Not golden eye. But truely a great/fun game in every way. Very good experience

User Rating: 9.2 | 007: The World Is Not Enough N64
While the graphics are really good just isn't a golden eye but just a great game wroth playing! Gameplay - 8.0 Gameplay just didn't have the feel like perfect dark/golden eye and made it a basic shooter with some good levels and decent weapons. Lot's to do and quite a adventure gives the game a 9.2. Just was hoping for more but it's still a good well worth playing. Graphics - 10.0 Graphics were a definate thumbs up considering this was one of the last N64 games made it was worthy of 10.0. Sound - 8.0, was good just didn't have sound effects/Music tracks even close to golden eye. Value 10.0 A really good game for N64 a must own. Multi-player is very good and fun a must for a player with a controller. Just isn't a golden eye and kind of a disappointment but a well thought out game.