User Rating: 8.3 | .hack//Mutation Part 2 PS2
If you enjoyed .Hack//Infection you need to do yourself a favor and completely disregard Greg Kasavin’s review of Mutation. If you enjoyed .Hack//Infection and the .Hack//Sign series on Cartoon Network you need to do yourself a favor and rent this game right now. Yes, rent it, play through the game in 15 hours, and watch Volume 2 of the Liminality series while you’re at it, because that does a fantastic job of continuing the real life side of the story. As for the game, it basically has the same game play mechanics, graphics, and sounds that Infection had, but you were probably expecting that anyways. If you’re going to play this game, you’re going to do it for one reason, and that is to continue the .Hack storyline. The story in Mutation doesn’t make progress down the road so much as it widens the road. New characters in the story bring about new reasons to help or hinder you on your quest to save your friend and legendary “World” gamer, Orca of the Azure Sea. The biggest surprise this game held for me was the number of encounters you have with characters from .Hack//Sign, and if you’re a fan of the series you should check out some FAQs to find all of the encounters. Overall, I really enjoyed the game, as anyone would expect from a fan of the series, but I would advise renting the games rather than paying $50 a pop for them, and then if you feel so inclined, eBay them long after they are released or wait and see if Bandai releases a four pack for a discounted price. I was able to knock this one down in 14 hours, which is plenty of time to finish it during a five day rental.