First of many games in the series. Not very ambitious but still an okay RPG.Needs more depth.

User Rating: 5.8 | .hack//Infection Part 1 PS2
While Dot Hack does have an okay story, the gameplay and graphics are quite lacking. The graphics look as bad as PS1 games.The sound is mostly quiet. Voiceovers are a drag. The Real time fighting gets monotonous because basically this is like an Action/RPG that consists of a lot of boring button mashing. You gain levels after each battle. Chances are you will have to use your bracelet for almost all the boss battles which is few and very simple. You get about twenty hours with this game which is very disappointing. The story is lacking too. You learn about some things, but Dot HAck is very vague on the details. Dot Hack is about an online roleplaying game where this one kid named shugo gets stuck in and meets this strange girl that gives him a bracelet. The RPG aspects of the game need more depth and polishing. Most of the time you have to trade your weapons, armor, etc. with other people. What you want, you probably won't get because of the fact that you probably won't have the items they want from you. Although, this game does have some things to do in it, I would probably stick with the manga(graphic novel) or the anime show because Dot hack is definitely quite a borefest. NOTE: DOT HACK DOES NOT GO ONLINE, IT IS JUST ABOUT AN ONLINE GAME.