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Trine, Ratchet & Clank demo drop on PS Store

PSN Update: Nobilis' fantasy platformer arrives on PS3 along with Sample of Insomniac's plucky platformer; old-school Oddworld also goes live.


Sony has updated the PlayStation Store with a fresh batch of gaming wares, including the long-awaited PlayStation 3 version of Trine. Published by Nobilis and developed by indie shop Frozenbyte, the 2D fantasy platformer received decent reviews when it was released on the PC in June. On the PS3, it will cost $20 to download and is rated E10+ for Everyone 10 and Older.

The week's other new PSN games aren't new at all. As previously announced, two original PlayStation classics from independent developer Oddworld, Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus and Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee, are now available on the service. Both platformers were critical darlings when released and will cost $10 each to download on the PS3 or PSP.

The PlayStation Store update will also offer demos of three games. The first two are for the puzzler Critter Crunch (424 MB) and the fighting game Dragon Ball: Raging Blast (358 MB). Last but certainly not least is a demo for Insomniac's forthcoming Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time. Weighing in at a hefty 2.35GB, the demo lets players control the robotic half of the titular duo as he uses new time-shifting abilities to solve puzzles and battle foes. The game is due out next Tuesday exclusively for the PS3.

For a full run-down of all other new game and video content on the PlayStation Store, visit the PlayStation Blog.

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