Watch Dogs: Legion REVIEW - A pleasantly great experience

User Rating: 8 | Watch Dogs: Legion PS5

After my first experience with the original Watch Dogs way back on the Xbox 360, I was left with some sort of an empty feeling. It was so average that it didn't leave much of a lasting impact on me. That's why I skipped out on 2. I would've done the same for Legion had it not been on sale on the Ps5 store. All I have to say is wow. I don't even know if Ubisoft really made this game. These are the same guys who made Assassins Creed, (and that is NOT a compliment). Where do I even begin? Well I suppose the story. The story follows the infamous hacker group Dedsec as they are framed for terrorist bombings in London. You play as, well, anyone! You can recruit and play as any npc in the world. I can't think of any game that lets you do this, and they all have unique abilities as well! Anyways, I don't want to spoil anything so that's all form the story side of things. But what about the setting? Well, I can safely say that London is a great place to explore and Ubisoft really did a great job recreating it. I once went on a vacation to London and whenever I play the game I can point out certain places I was actually in, that's how faithful of a recreation it is. Gameplay is still true to the Watch Dogs franchise, sheath oriented third person shooter action. This time there is way more variety though. You can unlock abilities with tech points found throughout the world that help you become even more powerful and these abilities unlock tons of gameplay opportunities as well! The added support of ray tracing on ps5 is truly incredible and I can see it becoming a standard in all games from now on. I do have some complaints, though. The physics on vehicles is exactly like the first game, awful. It just doesn't feel right, its not satisfying to jump off a ramp in Legion like it is in GTA V. But that's minor. The major flaw comes in the story itself, which I touched upon earlier. While the story as a whole is pretty good and has some really deep and meaningful lessons to it, it just feels like a wild goose chase. Here's why. As I said earlier, it follows Dedsec as they are trying to clear their name because they were framed for the bombing, not only that, they are also trying to find out who was behind the bombings. A lot of it is just going from person to person or place to place trying to find out the same thing. This is very similar to the Witcher 3, although I feel that in the Witcher it is worse. Overall, while not perfect, this game is definitely worth your time and it left a lasting impression on me, especially because its from Ubisoft of all developers. Flawed, but charming, Watch Dogs: Legion receives an 8/10