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The Real History of Assassin's Creed | The Real Assassin's Order

Assassin's Creed has a basis in real history - with the game being inspired by the book Alamut, which in turn was inspired by the origins of the Assassin's Order. Here is the real history of Assassin's Creed.

The Assassin's Order, also known as the Nizari Isma'ili, was founded by Hassan-i Sabbah around 1090 after securing the stronghold of Alamut. And this is the basis for the Assassin's Brotherhood of Assassin's Creed.

Assassin's Creed also has you square off against the Knights Templar, which this video delves into the real conflict (or lack-thereof) between the Assassin's and Knights, as well as comparing the actual assassination targets from the game to some of their real life counterparts.

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