Not the Turkey its made out to be.

User Rating: 7.5 | Medal of Honor: Warfighter X360
After the initial reviews I held off buying this game until it was available in the bargain basket. I entered the campaign mode expecting a mediocre game but was pleasantly surprised how good it was.

I did not find the story disjointed, in fact it made me think about how we read or see little snippets of news about terrorism, yet never join the dots to understand the fuller picture and how the arrest's of attempted terror plots (that go unnoticed almost an aside on our nightly news programs) most certainly had a more intense story behind them.

The graphics of the game where a joy from the detail of your trusty weapon to the storm ravaged Philippines and the sound complimented those graphics, I was impressed that each weapon had its own clear sound signature and you could tell which weapon you where armed with by its own clatter clatter clatter.

A lot was made of these "monotonous" door breaches, I did not mind them at all, especially as they entailed two achievements as you gained more breach methods based on head shots.

One or two levels where on the easy side, I have only played the game on Hard setting at the moment but intend to dive in on Hardcore and Tier. Other levels where inspired the car chase through Dubai and helicopter strafing run where you watched the nozzle of your machine gun glow red hot. I did not experience many bugs, I learnt some time ago not to get to far ahead and let the game flow at its own pace and follow the lead of my AI comrades.

The game finale was a little rushed but nice to hear Rabbit remembered from the first game.

I don't think this campaign was the great turkey it was made out to be and was superior to Battlefield 3 campaign and dare I say it was easier to follow than Black Ops 2.

I have spent a few hours playing multiplayer, being a Battlefield fan and not too keen on the cartoon COD theater, I found MOH a good inbetweener (and a massive improvement on the first game). The maps are well thought out and there are varied game modes, you can almost feel the weight of your heavy machine gun or the swiftness of your PDW. My only problem is European servers seem devoid of life.

My verdict a good bargain now you can pick this game up for about £15.