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The Xbox 360 Store Is Closing, But Don't Get Too Worried

After 18+ years, the Xbox 360 store is closing--but here's why it might not impact you all that much.

The Xbox 360 store is officially closing up shop. Microsoft has confirmed that the marketplace, which opened 18 years ago in 2005, will officially shut down on July 29, 2024.

At this time, you will not longer be able to purchase games, DLC, and other entertainment from the store on Xbox 360 or the Xbox 360 Marketplace website. The Microsoft Movies and TV apps will also stop working on July 29, 2024, so anything in your library there won't be viewable after that date.

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Backwards-compatible Xbox 360 titles will thankfully remain available to purchase and play on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S after the Xbox 360 store closes.

For any Xbox 360 games and DLC already purchased, nothing is changing--those games and content will still be available to use. This includes on Xbox 360, as well as Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S through backwards compatibility. Content can be re-downloaded as well.

"A lot has changed since the Xbox 360 launched in 2005. Technology has evolved, expectations from players have shifted, and we are focused on making Xbox Series X|S the best place to play now and in the future," Microsoft said regarding the shutdown.

Online multiplayer on Xbox 360 through Xbox network (formerly Xbox Live) will remain available after the Xbox 360 store closes, provided the publisher of the game still runs servers. Additionally, cloud saves will still be available on Xbox 360, and they can transfer to Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.

In other Xbox platform news, Microsoft is rolling out a new "strike" system to help weed out jerks.

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