A game so bad that it makes Superman N64 look good

User Rating: 1 | Zumba Fitness: Join the Party X360
Where to begin? First of all I have to say that this is the most dispicable travesty of a video game I have ever had the displeasure of playing. I bought this game for my wife as a gift because she absolutly loves zumba. We began to play and boy were surprised at this train wreck for a a so called game.

Never have i ever used a menu system so confusing. For example, you want to scroll left with you had so insted you have to move you hadn right. I knever know if I or my wife was loggid inoto game so as far as presentation goes thiere is nothing there.

Next was game its self I'm not even sure it was registering my movements. All you see is the structor on the screen and from what I can tell is her color turns green even if your remotely close to tdoing the steps right. You have no way of seeing what you are doing.

The game has not way of filtering out if someone walks into the area. My two year old son came into the room and the game paused thinking another player was going to join.

This game looks to me like it is a game put together to jump on the kinect bandwagon and nothing more. Steer clear of this title by any meants available.