Zombies Ate My Neighbors has a great sense of style and so much charm that it is hard to call it anything but Superb.

User Rating: 9.8 | Zombies Ate My Neighbors SNES
As a kid of only about 7 years old, I was searching around my local Blockbuster and I saw this funny looking game with an odd cover. It kind of spooked me a little bit, since I was so young. But I decided to pick up the game and give it a try anyway. To my surprise, the game was a blast. Eventually, one of my friends bought the game, and we played it together nonstop. This game can only be Zombies Ate My Neighbors. The game basically works like this: you can choose from either a boy or a girl and try to save the world from Zombies, Werewolves, and other classic monsters. The greatest thing about this game is its true charm and sense of style, which I will refer to throughout the review. Almost any horror movie character you can think of will show up in this game. And the sense of charm and style that the game gives off is truly what makes it so great. The gameplay in ZAMN is flawless. You are armed with water guns, soda grenades, and many other weapons that you use to take out monsters that are taking over the world, and your neighbors. Throughout each of the 55 levels, you try to save your neighbors from their impending doom. For each neighbor you save, you get extra points. Saving the neighbors is a blast, especially in multiplayer mode. You and your partner will battle over who gets what neighbor and race to get the extra point bonuses. This game is LONG too. Each of the levels are a good 5 minutes long, just because all of the different things that are available to do in each one. But throughout the entire game, the controls remain perfect and it is just a blast to run around destroying the enemies with your weapons. This is truly some of the best gameplay ever on any SNES game. The graphics in ZAMN also contribute to the game's great sense of style and charm. Each of the monsters are accurately portrayed as they are in their movies. You will see werewolves, giant sand worms, giant babies, chainsaw madmen, and many, many other character. The shear variety of characters is overwhelming. LucasArts really took their time in creating a huge game with so much style and charm that it is hard to call the graphics in this game anything but perfect. The sound is also great in ZAMN. Each monster has their own sound effects, and considering the huge amount of enemies you will encounter, that is a lot of sound effects. My only concern with the sound is that it sometimes gets repetitive. I get a little annoyed from the main character's sound effect, but other than that small complaint, the sound is great. The value on this game is incredible. I picked it up for about 5 bucks at my local EBGames. That is basically a steal. This game is such a classic, I wouldn't mind paying 50 dollars or more for it. But only 5 dollars? You should definitely buy this game if you ever see it. It has great replay also. I have always had fun going back and playing through the old levels of this game just to see all of my favorite horror villains in their sprite forms. I recommend to all with a SNES to run out to their local EBGames and buy this game as soon as possible. Zombies Ate My Neighbors is so full of charm and fun that it is hard to give it anything but a Superb score. Almost everything is flawless. This is truly a cult classic of its time, and anyone with a SNES and 5 bucks should pick it up as soon as possible.