Gore at its best

User Rating: 10 | Zombie Shooter PC
Zombie Shooter

Zombie shooter is a game that anyone can easily miss out on, and not because it isn't awesome (actually it is way above awesome), but because most of the gamers wouldn't give a second thought about a $5 game. Anyways, Zombie Shooter is a point-and-click RPG game like Diablo, but with a twist. There are scores of Zombies pouring in during the game. I should give it a solid 15000 zombies per level with each wave consisting of about 100. You simply plow your way through these pathetic creatures. After each level you are taken to a screen where you can purchase weapons, upgrades, armors and even lives with the money you have collected during the game. Each level provides you with a new monster which you can easily defeat if you had made the right purchase (here the secret is not to upgrade your weapons till the last but to buy the most expensive weapon you can afford till you get the plasma minigun. Then you start upgrading your plasma minigun.) The music is pretty creepy at the begining, but from the second level itself it moves onto a track of pure death metal, and I know, you can't help but smile while mowing down those zombies.
The graphics of the game is pretty decent but is nothing more than that.
I love the game and I am sure you will too.