Zombie love/hate relationship

User Rating: 7 | Zombie Apocalypse X360
I have mixed feelings about this particular game....

On one hand it offers a great multiplayer experience with a group of friends with easy controls and rather well rendered graphics. Yes, there is no storyline but there really doesn't need to be. Yes, there seems to be demon spawning babies, kamikaze & shotgun wielding zombies which are seldom seen in zombie shenanaganry...but it does add to the intensity of surviving, because otherwise the game would have more of the same boring slow zombies...with little challenge. The scoring system is well implemented & hazard kills (using the environment) are fun to use and watch. As well as the weapons within the game are well proportioned (except Molotov's..I hate those things).

On the other hand though, there are a few things that turn me away from playing this game over other great titles. Some of which are: while playing multiplayer the game inevitably will lag causing faulty deaths and frustration. Also, the game really isn't truly meant to be play single player in the fact that all but 2 or 3 zombie types tend to kill you in a single blow/squish/boom of some sort. This is aggravating due to the fact that if you have a partner they can save you most of the time, but alone.....your screwed dude!! Another point that didn't bother me at first, but eventually got to me was the maps and music of the game is overly recycled. There is one track that seems to play through the entire game and a handful of levels that..over time..begin to lose their glamour.

The deal breaker for me is the price and the fact that it is an arcade game. For 800 Microsoft points this is a fun no brainer shoot 'em up style game that WITH FRIENDS can be a great game. Just be wary that it is not perfect and there are moments of pure frustration.