Educaton...Bah! Who needs it in video games!

User Rating: 1.3 | Zoboomafoo: Playtime in Zobooland GBC
Actually this game hardly teaches the little scrubs how to do anything except play as some weird monkey guy and hop around in veru undetailed levels finding animals and getting attacked by bubbles. If that is your idea of a fun game, then please give me ten seconds to run away. Please.

The graphics are very bland. They are so undetailed, and I don't even expect much for a Gameboy Clor game, but this looks worse than a NES game, and what year was this game released? 2001. What year was the NES released? 1984. That is a fifteen year difference and I think no matter what kind of developer you are, that it does not take fifteen years to improve graphics.

Gameplay flat out sucks. This is by far the worst experience I have had on the Gameboy Color. You just around in small repetitive levels finding animals. You don't even have a health bar and you can't die. You fall asleep. I can't believe I even played this game. My friend was playing Battalion Wars, and I was sitting on his cough reading EGM and I saw this game sitting on his floor. I picked it up and popped it into my GBA. (Or "pooped" it into my SP because it is so "crappy.") And I was terrified. Terrified that people can actually call this garbage a game! I know it's for the kids, but seriously, do the kids want to play this?

I beat this game in less than twenty minutes. Why I even spent five minutes on it, I do not know. The world will never know. The only thing that we will know is that they probably spent less time makign this bad game than it takes to beat it.

Music sucks. I have nothign to say about it except that it sucks. It sucks. IT SUCKS! It's repetitve, and no one wants to hear it.

Game sucks. Don't even look at this game. I think i'm cursed after playing it.