This game is irreplaceable

User Rating: 9.5 | Zeus: Master of Olympus PC
I usually play city-building games a lot and i think I have played more than 20 games in this genre.
but this game was really different.Even after 10 years i still want to play though i can't because it doesn't run in windows7.
1.By playing this game you will become familiar with greek mythology,their gods,heroes and their mythological events.(the missions of hercules,jason,achilis, and other heroes)
2.from the graphic point of view the game is really cool and can talk with all people living in your city.
3.the most amazing point about this game is the temples.when you build a temple for a god,he or she will favour you and defend your city against the enemies.
4.first thing you do in this game you must make sure that your people are not hungry so you should give them food by placing some farms then you should provide them clothes and olive oil and after that you should extract bronze and stone to build temples.
5.i don't suggest you to buy this game anymore because it works neither in win7 or winxp.
wish they would build it again for win7.