ZERO CLASH is great 5hour game beautiful levels unique game play weak story! in my opinion not Nice 5hour game

User Rating: 7 | Zeno Clash PC
ok you play this guy that supposedly kill some monster called father-mother and there fore you are chased and everyone is trying to kill you.

you have with you a girl that "helps" you through the game

the source engine looks awesome the levels are nice but 2 levels with huge monsters and a big sword fish are firs in gaming absolutely must see even if you don't buy go look it up on you tube or something but tis not the same

ok i say its a great game made by some talented team of moders
and please support them and buy the game its cheap enough and has a lot of content (well not really a 5hour game play and a impossible challenge mode that has around 10 levels but i didn't even do the first 2 :D)

game play:8/10

graphic: 11/10 its source omg looks so nice better then valves orange box its between orange box and l4d engine its really nie

story: 2.5/10 its really stupid and predictable and there is a rat monster with 4 boobs :D

design 8/10

and thats it form me

all in all nice game worth to try 7/10