This game is freaken TIGHT! cuz it's all like BOOM Pazz and Fa-Shoom! and stuff. So its cool. Its a good game So Buy it!

User Rating: 9.4 | Zatch Bell! Mamodo Battles GC
This game is freakent TIGHT and umm... it's cool and stuff so umm... yeah its the **** and the thing that sucks is that they repeat two characters and umm... the fighting is cool and they only have a little bit of different moves and stuff so yeah the game is good and TIGHT its a good game to buy yeah. But remember thats my opinion about this game. So um my favorite character is Folgore and Konchome! yup they're good. All the characters in this game hve their own special moves like some can shoot stuff (long range) and some can only use physical move (short range). The people that have the spell book also have their own moves. There is also a lot of stages to choose from. and you can make your mamodo more stronger and find a gold mamodo (Strong Form) SO this is the end of this.