If you like challenges, you'll love this game. Otherwise, it can be pretty frustrating.

User Rating: 9.5 | Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator: World Championship 2009 DS
>First, let's start with what's new:

_*_3D enviroment: In Story Mode, this new game doesn't just have a simple 2D screen where you can choose who you battle with. You actually get to move arround a 3D enviroment, that's based on the Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's series. (you start in Satelite, then you get to visit the jail and the city, etc.). It's a great improvment compared to WC2008.

_*_Great 3D animation: Like last year's edition, you get to select your characters outfit, duel disk and hairstyle (you can choose the color for the clothes and hair). But now, your aspect is also shown in your 3D character. All the other characters you meet in the game also have 3D animation that matches their 2D aspects.

_*_D-Runner minigame: In the story mode, you get a D-Runner you can modify. The modifications include simple color selections, but they also involve buying some new parts that actually affect your speed, resistance, etc. in the running minigame. This minigame can be accessed anytime from computers in the D-Runner shops. "D-Running" (racing) is also a requirement at some points of the story.

_*_Animation sequences: In some parts of the game (like those involving D-Runner races) there are interesting 3D sequences. So you can't select what to do during those sequences, but the animations are very well handled; they add amusement to the game.

_*_Interactive Puzzles: In some buildings, the usual "front" 3D view will get changed, and you'll see the map from above; thus to make easier to complete puzzles involving puzzles involving moving blocks away to make a path to continue. Also, there are puzzles involving crossing roms avoiding been seen by guards.

_*_More cards: The new synchros are entertaining; as well as the opportunity to get cards from the new zombies and spellcaters deck. It's nice to see the game so up-to-date.

_*_D-Running duels: Later on in the game, you'll have the possibility to but boster packs containing Speed Spells. So, you'll be able to use them in duels following the rules used in the tv series (speed counters, etc.).

>Now, what's still there:

_*_Duel Style: The dueling style remains almost identical to the old one. The way you see the cards in your hand is a little different (and honestly i prefer WC2008´s one), but there aren't radical changes.

_*_Championship and Story modes: Two modes to play: 1.-Story mode, where you can play competing with characters with diferents styles; with increasing difficulty as you advance. 2.-Championship mode, where you fight characters you've unlocked in story mode. You also can participate in tournaments with those same characters.

_*_Editing character: You can chose your character's clothes (and color), hairstyle (and color) and duel disk. As you advance in the story mode, you'll unlock new outfits and duel disks.

_*_Structure deck duels: During story mode, you'll find a character that will allow you to have structure deck duels. You can choose any SD so far; all the ones from the last game (including Dragon Revival, Dark and Light decks), Monarch Deck, Zombie world, Lord of the Magicians and Starter Deck (Yusei synchros white deck).


>**The good:
--Entertaining, long, good animation, actual story, good 3D grafics, new racing mini game and new puzzles.

>**The bad:
--Difficulty. Overall, you're in disadvantage compared with the rest of the characters. Most of them have (at least) decent AI, and decent decks from the very beggining. The weakest duelists you'll find will be 500 leveled (no 300 anymore, not even at Championship mode). The duels are entertaining at first, but as you face new, stronger enemy, it'll be harder and harder to beat them (but not in the good way). You'll get just enough points to build an avarage deck, before you start facing "real", challenging enemies. Although, you don't need to win all duels to keep the story going.

It's a great game; no doubt it's worth of playing. Most of the improvements from the 2008 edition are for better. Still, the difficulty is a big con; It actually can get very frustrating. The ideal thing to do when you get to the point where you just can't win anymore, is to trade some cards from your 2008 edition.
Hopefully, the next one will have a balance between 2009's new features, and 2008's familiar, friendly feeling to it.
At the end of the day, it's a great game. 9/10