See, this is why I don't read 'books'.

User Rating: 5.2 | Ys Book I: The Vanished Omens MOBI
Pros: It's a role-playing game on your cell phone; it's quite a lengthy game, especially when you consider the platform it's on; save anywhere feature is nice and extremely helpful and necessary; the visuals are decent and quite colorful; some people may find this game quite challenging and fun.

Cons: Takes forever and a day to really get in to; apparently the developers thought it would be fun to walk through boring dungeons, fighting monsters with horrible, mindless, no skill combat; you can only carry ONE health potion at a time, for some inexplicable reason; NOTHING about this game is exciting in any way; the combat is extremely boring (usually entailing you just running into some monster with your sword on auto-swing); the overall gameplay in a snore; there are no item or weapon descriptions or stats while you are buying these items in a store (so essentially you have no idea what you are buying until AFTER you buy it), which is insanely annoying.