Maybe next time?

User Rating: 6.5 | Ryuu ga Gotoku PS2
This all in all is a good game, the story is good and the main character is as badass as he could be but the flaws that troubled me all the way through this game kept me from giving it a better rating.

The graphics arent too bad considering I own a PS3 and a 360 and im playing this game way after its initial release. But the god the camera! Had me cussing the whole way through, They try to give you dynamic angles but all it really does is make it harder to move around the city.

The controls are pretty simplistic and easy to get used to, and you upgrade your fighting skills in a rpg like manner. But where there are pluses there are also minuses... The fighting ends up with you having your combos sidestepped often. This was ok in the start of the game but when it counted it was really annoying.

I played from start to finish when I rented it so clearly the faults arent enough to detour you completely from this game...It actually reminded me alot of GTA minus the cars. But I do hear theyre thinking of releasing part 2 in the US and it has a fixed camera and control style to better suit the fighting.

Yakuza 2 may be the better game in the end but this is where it all started so if you wanna see where part 2 got its roots rent this and get up to speed.