Lots of loading, Repetitive gameplay . . .

User Rating: 6.2 | Ryuu ga Gotoku PS2
I just stopped playing the game after having spent 12 hours going through the main quest and some of the side missions. And to be honest, so far it didn't look that good a game. The graphics are good (not great) and the gameplay seemed interesting at first but soon became very repetitive especially the combat. The sounds felt like they were taken for the latest 50 cent's movie (Really Bad). All these things may not seem really crucial to you if you could at least enjoy the game given that you a fan of the genre. But what really KOs your appeal are the load times that makes you want to break the controler on somebody's head (may as well be""kazuma", the protagonist). Before you enter any battle you should wait, when you finish the battle you should wait, when you leave a relatively small area to another you should wait and even if you want to buy things you should wait . . . Overall, It is not a really bad game but it is defenitely bad to some extent. So i recommend you rent it first. Believe me . . .