Quite possibly the greatest story of any RPG

User Rating: 8.8 | Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Bose PS2
Xenosaga Episode II has what I would consider one of, if not the best, storyline of an Console or PC RPG. It is extremely engaging and the excellent cut-scenes make it all the better. The characters are all well-developed and there is not a single "main" character that I did not care about. Considering this is only the second in a supposedly 6 game long series forgives the unanswered questions by the end of the game. I can understand some of the criticisms about the length of the cut-scenes. However anyone who has played Xenosaga Episode I to completion would know to expect them. The actual amount of cut-scenes has been decreased dramatically however in answer to the complaints of the first one but they are still far more abundant then other games. While the gameplay itself is not very innovative and follows the fairly standard RPG format, it is still very entertaining. The actual battle system has been vastly improved since Xenosaga I though. The break zones add a new level of strategy to the game and it is extremely fun to string up combo's that go on for 9 or 10 turns. Some of the boss battles can only be completed by learning the appropriate break zones and exploiting them to thier fullest. The music of Episode II is just amazing. One of the problems with the original Xenosaga was every single encounter (Save for the final) had the same music and after awhile it tended to get annoying. Episode II corrects this issue by having excellent battle music which is different depending on the type of battle. The voice acting in the game is top-notch for the most part although I wish there was an option to turn off the in-battle voice overs as they tend to get old fairly quick. Those that did not like the original will probably find nothing here to make them change thier mind about the series but fans of Xenosaga Episode I will absolutely love Episode II. A wonderful story, colorful characters and enjoyable gameplay make this one of the must-have RPG's for the console. - Jak