A step in the right direction. Yet so far from perfection

User Rating: 6 | XCOM: Enemy Within PC

As most of us probarly have noticed right now the new formula of Firaxis is to deliver half finnished games, then slowly after a few years and a lot of DLC's and expansions you'll end up with a finnished updated version of a previous succces game like Civ 5 that was finished only recently with the latest expansion a Brave new world.

As I mentioned in my previous XCOM review I have finnished the campaign and to be honnest I was sort of disgruntled to find out that after installing this DLC that the campaign pretty much remained the same. Basicly it fixed quite a few things that where wrong with the original release.

You now got a few more maps, the good thing about this is that the same few maps the original had don't get overused as much now.

It's still quite possible to finnish teching and building everything well before the game finnishes, Only a minor improvement on this department.

There are quite a few "special missions" added taking away a little bit of the repetition of the original. Although these missions aren't without it's flaws. When you play the game on Ironman mode and having to play an unnanounced mission with seemingly random characters of your team who are possebly unequiped is very frustrating to say the least.

The new class makes a welcome addition to the game adding a little more depth. Pretty much the same with the newest way to upgrade your soldiers.

One of the saddest things about the game is what I call the Snowbal effect. Basicly after the innitial challange your equipment and squadmembers have become so powerful that it's pretty much an unstoppable force. Especialy when you take a few very well armed newbie squadmembers with your expierienced staff to gain XP. Just in case when you lose one of your colonels you got plenty of replacements.

In my humble opionion this DLC/expansion should have been shipped with the original product rather then make us fork out another € 30,- . In that case we would have had about 75% of the content that the original XCOM's had. It will be probarly another € 60,- before we get on the same content level that the originals making XCOM like CIV a very, very expensive hobby.