its actually what you would expect from an activision game licensed by marvel

User Rating: 7.8 | X-Men: The Official Game PS2
it's another movie-comic licensed game and the most obvious thing to expect is the same fighting and cliche.
i suppose this game is alright but it is way too much like other marvel comic games such as ultimate spiderman and marvel nemises.

so you can control 3 characters, i was dissapointed with this cause i know there is like at least 5 others that were in the film which would have been cool to play as. the 3 characters are wolverine, iceman and nightcrawler.

you are on different paths really some levels are for certain characters and some places require you to choose a path. but then go back and take to other one. this is pretty good. and there looks to be a good few levels packed in the disc, pretty nice too.

the fighting is a bit of what you would expect. just goin around and slashing,freezing or confusing your enemy in stylish ways that will last a couple of hours of fun.there is a small amount of attacks, it was dissapointing to see so few, but you can upgrade attack to eventually become a really good character which is nice enough.

if i had to recommend this to anyone at all, i would target it for the movie lovers. cause if you had no interest in x men whatsoever, this game would not be you're cup of tea