Rent it to play as nightcrawler

User Rating: 6 | X-Men: The Official Game PS2
X-Men action game fun right? Wrong. Wolverine's levels were boring to say the least. Uh, you can punch and kick and heal bullet wounds, but that's all you can do. Iceman was pretty fun to play as, although he got repetitive as well. You can only skate around on ice like in X-Men Legends shooting ice bolts and the like for so long before you want something more. And then there's nightcrawler. I will have to admit that nightcrawler was never my favorite X-Man, that is until I played him in this game. The way they developed his teleporting abilities was both intuitive and fun. Combat is always fluid and changing and you also get some platforming gameplay out of him. But all of that aside, the one thing that ticked me off more then any other thing was the fact that the cutscenes were not real. By that I mean they put up a storyboard type picture and then had the characters talk. I know it is supposed to be comicbook like, but come on, if you're going to come this far, why not do it right.

To sum up, rent it to play as nightcrawler.