A mediocre game at best, disapointing for X-Men fans.

User Rating: 4.4 | X-Men: The Official Game X360
Easily the worst Xbox 360 I own (at least I only got it as a gift). The graphics are nothing special (especially after seeing things like G.R.A.W. and knowing what they COULD have done). It is in no way a next-gen game, with mediocre graphics and sound... and in NO WAY worth $65. The voice acting is lazy, and while the cut scenes are trying to give a "reading a comic book" vibe, they just give a "we were too lazy to animate this part" vibe. The camera angles when playing as Wolverine are annoying, ruining everyone's favorite character. Enemy AI is low... just run away for a while and heal (which everyone, not just Wolverine, can do). I'll play it through once just to get the game card points, but then I'll never touch it again.