Why can't they ever make a really good Marvel game?

User Rating: 6.2 | X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse XBOX
The concept of an X-Men game is awesome...and anything with X-Men in it has a personal interest and ranks way up high. So when I found out that there was an X-Men Legends II, I was particularly excited. Well, I played the heck out of it and needless to say I was bitterly disappointed. Let's start with the positives - 1. great concept on the characters with over a dozen to choose from including less popular characters. 2. X-men using powers and in a role-playing type game Now for the negatives: 1. bad game design -- in the very first scenario...lots of and constant loading and waiting for the plot. 2. X-men powers - I wished they just increase their ability to use it more often rather than a few times and then have to let it recharge. 3. the map in some terrains are horrible as you really can't tell where the heck you are. 4. in some locations you could be roaming and no enemies/monsters 5. the gameplay is not tight and coordinated, and controls a tad weak -- they need to take a lesson from the gameplay of say Rachet and Clank. Overall opinion: This game for some reason feels like a PC game (which is not to say that its bad) but doesn't feel like an Arcade game (and that's always a matter of opinion). I had some fun playing it because I am an X-Men fan and its the best one out there so far. I just wished that they make a better one that can exceed my expectations.