If you're a football fan, I suggest turning away to Fifa instead of turning towards WTS. It's a game with many let downs

User Rating: 6.6 | World Tour Soccer: Challenge Edition PSP
When I first received World Tour Soccer with my PSP, my immediate thoughts were: "oh great, a football game". I'm one of those people who loves to play football but I hate following it. So I never really showed any interest in it for the first few days, then I picked it up and knew I had nothing better to do so I started playing it. You don't have to be a football fan to love this game.

The general gameplay is very rewarding and easy. The difficulty levels are a challenge but you get used to them. The controls are similar to those other popular football titles such as Pro Evo and Fifa, but different in a few minor ways. The realistic feel the game gives isn't good, but it is good in the sense that you've just scored for your country.

Another bad thing about this game is that it only features Countries. It does feature the popular clubs such as Manchester United, Barcelona and AC Milan for example, but you have to unlock a few championships in the game to play these. The game modes are also quite usual for a normal football game. You have your quick game, championships, and exhibition modes. After a few weeks of playing it however, I did find it very boring.

The graphics for the PSP are quite good and of sheer quality. I was impressed at how detailed the stadiums were and how the players looked, which shown alot of detailed work and that the makers of World Tour Soccer sure did want to impress. The graphics on the menu are quite boring however, but you get used to it.

The soundtrack and music effects to World Tour Soccer are very poor. I found that listening to the sound effects and music offered by World Tour Soccer just not worth listening to and instead I had mute on and listened to things I wanted to hear.

Overall I think World Tour Soccer is a good game, but improvements can be made anywhere and everywhere. It's an average game but for a first time football game from its makers, it doesn't fail to impress. I think if you want a reliable and interesting football game that you'd like, I recommend not buying this and going for another popular football game such as Fifa.