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User Rating: 8 | World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King PC
WoW (world of warcraft) is an enjoyable game at first. You can get weapons and armor upgrades through simple quests. however don't expect any cool cut scenes after the first one until your level 75 or higher.The story is told through text aka quest log. i won't miss lead you the game is a lot of fun if you are new and into RPG games but can get frustrating especially when playing alone. an example is if you are fighting a specific type of mob (bad guy) and a random mob comes strolling by now you have 2 to fight and if one runs into a group of any type of other mobs you have 4-6 on you. might not sound like a big deal, sounds like fun even, but when u are trying to complete quests to progress the game it can be quite aggravating. Blizzard could have added a bit more style, like having different type of mobs fighting each other instead of always the player. interacting with other players can be fun in groups of 2-3 people. larger groups can cause a fight at times when everyone wants the same drop. As far as chatting goes there are alot of RUDE people in this game that will refuse to help you and watch you die cause they want to kill what you are killing and they don't get credit til you die or it respawns, and seeing that you dieing is faster then a respawn you get the picture. However, everyone in the game isn't rude there are some decent people playing that will help.

Gold, Gold, Gold. everyone needs gold for everything from getting new skills to buying new armor and weapons at the auction house (AH). the best way to get gold is to get a " gathering" ability like mining, herbalism or skinning, and just sell it.

a lot has changed over the years and not all for the good. take the GM's for example they used to actually care what you have to say, you would get to talk to someone. Now you get some lame e-mail stating they have received your message and are currently looking into it.

When you finally hit level 80 your rewards are gold and some cheap piece of armor instead of XP. If you are not raiding or pvp-ing then there isn't a whole lot left to do. i guess start from level 1 again as a different class or choose the opposing faction.