Has potential, but so much is missing.

User Rating: 7 | World of Tanks PC
I've been in the beta a while now and overall the game is good however there are somethings that will annoy and frustrate.

The game basically consists teams of 16 players battling over a assortment of maps, Tanks are split into 10 tiers (levels).

The Player progressing through the tech tree till he can purchase the next level tank for the 3 different countries currently portraid in the game that being the US,Germany and the USSR.

The gameplay itself is good the tanks etc are modeled well etc, however things start to go pearshaped after Tier 7, mainly because even with a paid account you'll have a very hard time with the upkeep of your tank as things get very expensive, more often than not you can win the match and still loose big because of this.

Also the higher tier matches are probably the most unbalaced at tier 5 you can often be pitched up against Tier 9 Heavy's you simply couldn't touch.

The Matching system or Mismatching system as alot call it isn't very good at all, and can lead to alot of frustration.

Also there's no persistant battle map you fight over a very limited and very repetative selection of maps which become boring and has the negative effect on players that they always tend to goto and fight exactly the same everytime they play it.

Artillery in this game is more like a self propelled guided missile launcher and can and will one shot your tank if your not careful, often than not because of this people will try to camp and hide rather than play more agressive. That and because of the huge repair costs of high tier tanks it promotes negative gameplay within the game, where people play more passively and teamwork tends to go out the window.

Another problem is this game puts the entire focus on the next tank, which ultimately is a rather short trip, I completed most of the German tree in a month, and the higher tier tank games tend to be far less enjoyable than mid tier.

Also perhaps because this is a Russian game don't be suprised to find many of the russian tanks overpowered as if there is a bias toward them.

You can also buy premium items with gold which you pay for however many of these are consumables like ammo and they cost a fotune making their use prohibative, and pointless being in the game in the first place.

If your looking for a tank game this is probably the best offering about however there's no community like other MMO's like Eve, no team incentive or building etc, coupled with the game being all about the next item, I think it's something I will play for a few months and forget.

It has the potential to be a great game but there's just so much lacking and missing to make this game a long term thing.