World of Goo is so good, it will make you pregnant.

User Rating: 10 | World of Goo WII
My brain is far too disorganized to put into words why World of Goo will make you pregnant. I don't give 10s lightly. Super Mario World got one, Chrono Trigger got one, and now World of Goo.

This is without a doubt the most creative, well-designed, most attractive and most fun game I have seen in generations. And this is going up against modern megatons like Okami, Shadow of the Colossus, Hotel Dusk, Phoenix Wright 3, Professor Layton.. all of which deserve the highest praise in my opinion. Yet World of Goo somehow comes out on top. Despite how much I loved those games, I can think of one of two things that prevented them from being perfect. But Goo is perfect. There isn't a single thing wrong with this game. From music to art, to gameplay, to story, to comedy, to level design.. it's all perfect. The game even made me think. Near the end, I started to consider the nature of life, right and wrong, identity and what we sacrifice for convenience.

It's all there. In a sweet little $15 download.

2D Boy is my new hero. I'm waiting with bated breath for their next project, and will follow them to whatever console they choose.

- The extremely impressed Sign Painter