I was VERY Disappointed!!

User Rating: 1 | World Championship Poker PS2
I really thought that this game would be alot of fun to play,but BOY WAS I WRONG!! I found this game at my local video store and I can see why people were returning this game left and right!! Let's start off with the graphics on this game shall we?? The graphics are HORRIBLE it looks like aliens from another planet that are supposed to look human!! I was also very disappointed in the S-L-O-W- and I do mean SLOW action of this game!! This game was just so weird from beginning and when I created my character,it was unlike any woman I had ever seen before!! My woman that I created looked just like a man,no matter what LIMITED hairstyles I tried to give her,the clothing choices were horrible,and lets not even talk about trying to put some makeup on my poor character,YUCK!! Even putting make up on her,made her look even worse,if that is possible??

PLEASE RENT THIS GAME BEFORE YOU BUY IT!! I know MANY people who paid $50.00 for this game,and they were SO DISAPPOINTED and upset to say the least!! I can't say as I blame them,because it was obvious to me that whoever designed this game,made sure that this game moved at a SNAIL'S PACE!! ZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!! I am sorry if I sound too critical about this game,but if people are going to make a poker game,please put some decent looking players on there and make the game a lot more exciting!! I felt like I had stumbled across a very bad video game from the early 1980's,I am not kidding!! So,long story short BUYER BEWARE!!