pretty cool AI for a poker game

User Rating: 8.3 | World Championship Poker 2: Featuring Howard Lederer XBOX
The AI in this game is pretty good for a poker game. It feels more like poker than actually playing at one of those free poker sites. The people at free poker sites generally tend to be very liberal in their betting style. If you have ever played poker against friends for money or at a casino, then you know the difference. It's night and day. You would never ever play as liberally as people do on the internet as compared with playing with real people with your own money. If you ever decide to play that liberally with your own money at a real table, call me. I will be glad to take your hard earned cash off of you. The AI in this game simulates fairly well what it is like to play with real people at a table with real money, and I think that that is valuable experience that anyone should have before they decide to adventure to a real table. I completely recommend this game to anyone who likes real poker, but can't stand the always all in style at a free poker site.