Wii sports predecessor that has better games and a will motion plus that makes for a decent game

User Rating: 7.5 | Wii Sports Resort (w/Wii MotionPlus) WII
Everyone who owns a Wii has Wii sports, it was fun and all but you didn't feel like the controller was responding the way it should, but with the Wii motion plus the controller finally behaves the way you imagined, which is a reason to buy Wii sports resort. The game itself isn't that new, if you played Wii sports than you can get an idea for what Wii sports resort is like. You pick your Mii and compete in a variety of games. Some of the games are better than others, like archery and Frisbee, both show off the sensitivity of the Wii motion plus, while others are a let down, like Jet skiing and sword play. Sure they might be fun at first but it can be very frustrating at times with the jet skiing having the nuncuck attacked it loses the fun and sword play having no technique whatsoever. All the other games are somewhere in between. The real fun though is playing with other people; it is no fun playing all by yourself. So if you want to get the Wii motion plus and want a decent party game then buy it, otherwise it isn't worth it.