A fun, well designed shooter that shows the gaming world what a Playstation Mini should be.

User Rating: 8 | Who's That Flying?! PSP
As a diehard Playstation fan, even I will tell you that the Mini service on the Playstation Store is abysmal. Just about every game available is utter garbage. However there are a few exceptions, one of which is the amazing Monsters (Probably) Stole My Princess. So obviously when I heard that Mediatonic, the makers of Monsters were developing a spiritual sequel for the Mini service. I stayed up till 2 am to download it the minute it hit the Australian Playstation Store. Was it worth being tired the next day at work? Absolutely.

Who's That Flying or WTF for short, follows the Guardian of Earth as he stands trial over accusations of not protecting Earth. It's up to you to the player to show the Galactic Council of Space Justice, that the Guardian of Earth is able to defeat any evil force that threatens planet Earth.

Just like the Duke from Monsters Probably Stole My Princess, the Guardian of Earth believes he's the coolest guy in the world and loves to showboat whenever he gets the chance. But it's such a character that provides a vehicle for the game's amazing brand of humour.

Game play is the marriage of the side scrolling shooter and the tower defence game. As the Guardian of Earth you must destroy the invading ravagers. If 50 of these intergalactic creeaters escape, the city will be destroyed and you'll have to start the level from the very beginning. Larger enemies which act as diversions won't cause any damage if they escape but will go out their way to make your life a living hell. At the end of every third level you must face off with a massive boss and because of the time limit, there is no room for mistakes. This can be frustrating since you have to play through the entire level again if you fail. But because of how much fun I was having with the game play and the story, I never gave up and played through the entire game.

The story mode can be finished in less than two hours, but don't cry because there's lots of extra content waiting for you. For starters there's the infinite mode, which is an endless fight against our invading enemies. Challenge mode cooks up 24 extras levels to test your skills and of course there's plently of in-game trophies and extras to unlock.

If loved Monsters Probably Stole My Princess, than Who's That Flying is a no brainer. It's a fun, well designed shooter that shows the gaming world what a Playstation Mini should be. Best of all it costs no more than a can of shaving cream.

RATING – 8/10

+ Entertaining protagonist and hilarous dialogue.
+ Exciting game play that's a crossover of various genres.
+ Lots of extra missions and unlockable content.
- Audio glitches.
- Time limit during boss fights.