Good adaptation!

User Rating: 8.4 | Who Framed Roger Rabbit NES
WFRR is an interesting game because it somewhat follows the movie, but really only by the location and characters of the game. You star as Valiant and Roger tags along for the ride.

The goal of the game is to take down Judge Doom. To do this, you have to collect supplies, such as bricks, crowbars, flashlights, fish bones, cheese, and TNT. You travel from the city, to the country, to the beach, to Toon Town. You go to places such as Maroon Cartoons and the Ink & Paint Club.

There is a lot of searching and item using to be done throughout your adventure. You have to interrogate occupants and random people you meet. You have to seduce information out of Roger's girlfriend, but look out that you don't overdo it.

There are some flaws, such as the fact you cannot save your game. It would be greatly useful to have that since you have to recollect all of the items after every game over (ignoring the continue thing). It also is not always clear what your next move is supposed to be.

I definitely have a lot of fun with this game, though!