This game is one of the reasons I associate the term, "easy to use" and "fun" with Nintendo.

User Rating: 9.2 | Wave Race 64: Kawasaki Jet Ski (Rumble Pak Version) N64
Wave Race 64 is definitely one of those games for me that is something special. I didn't reall play it when it came out as I was too busy with golden Eye and wrestling titles at the time on my Nintendo 64. My old N64 is long gone (given to a friend and I just never asked for it back), but I recently acquired one earlier this year for my 4 year olds to use. The reason i went with the N64 was because its Nintendo. Aside from Conker and some shooting games that my kids will never see, it had a pretty kid friendly line up. Also it uses cartridges which are not so easy to break for a 4 year old.

One of the first titles I started to play with them was Wave Race. I was amazed at how easily they could pick it up and manuever around the course. After watching them for a little while I figured I would give the game a shot after the kids went to bed. I am happy to say that I have really enjoyed my experience so far.

The game physics are definitely one of the best features when it comes to watching the jet ski move across the water. Waves throw you and push you all over the place. So unless you take the exact same route everytime on every course, you can expect to see some differences in the way you ride.

the four different characters and water crafts were very well constructed given the time this game was made. Sure there very blocky, but when my main focus is on the waves and obstacles I didn't find myself thinking about it too much accept at the winners circle when the winners were standing there in all there blocky beauty.

What I also love is the difficulty that this game has presented to me. Some races I breeze through with no problems. Then maybe the next one i can't catch a break.

The water effects are actually quite good IMO. Yes they are dated but considering the time this was made, this is top notch.

So Im glad i picked up a N64 for my kids. Without it I probably would have missed out on this and some other enjoyable games that came out on the N64.