Great RTS game to play, it's a must play

User Rating: 8.5 | Waterloo: Napoleon's Last Battle PC
Gameplay: Waterloo: Napoleon's last Battle's gameplay is based on the game engine used in both Sid Meier's Gettysburg. This game combines real-time strategy with some turn-based combat mechanics to depict the epic battle of 1815. The gameplay is solid enough to warrant the interest of hard-core fans of the genre and the time period. This game is pretty much an updated version of the Civil War games that Sid mier's did a number of years back. The game also comes with fictional scenarios that are essentially 'what-if' situations: things that might have happened had the famed general made different decisions. This game take advantage of strategic points on the map well, like builds for troops to hide in and taking hirer ground to ward off a larger group of men. To move the units, you drag the mouse to a destination and select a formation. Brigades can be moved by issuing orders to their commanding generals, followed again by selecting a formation. Units will move when and where they can but will often be forced to halt and defend themselves if you carelessly move them into the line of fire. There is also a multiplayer portion of the game to play after you are done with the single player fights. Playing online is quite fun and challenging. Heck even the single player maps of the game are quite challanging. This game includes more than 30 historical and hypothetical scenarios, ranging from small-scale meeting engagements to the full-blown (and quite lengthy) Battle of Waterloo. As in the Civil War games, you can generate random battles of varying sizes.

Graphics: This game was relased in 2001 and the graphics are nice in the game are really starting to show it's age. But the graphics have been enhanced with 16-bit color. Waterloo includes more than 60 different uniform types. Zoom in on any unit on the battlefield, and you'll see a respectable level of detail in the various uniforms depicted. Also, key figures, such as Napoleon himself and the Duke of Wellington, are represented by unique sprites that are fairly easy to pick out in a crowd. Sound: The sound is really good in this game, from the marching to the gun fire. Even the voice acting is very well done. There is not much sound scores in the game so can't say much about it, but there is some music on the main menu of the game which is quite nice.

Value: All in all this is quite a fun game to play but quite challenging if you are not paying attention to one area where you troops are fighting. Also the replay value is very good were you can play the maps over quitea few times and after that there is the multiplay part you can play around with. What I did not like about it was the graphics looked a but dated for the time it wa released and the graphics where choppy at times. I also wanted to see individual men getting hit and fall but o well it was based off the the old Gettysburg game so can't compain there. All in all I give this game 8.5 out of 10.