Don't waste any time or money on this game....

User Rating: 3.7 | Warpath XBOX
This game was anything but exciting, it was no fun to play and just plain boring. I almost don't even have words to describe it. Gameplay: It's set up as a four on four type game, think halo 2 online with horrible A.I. You have random different things to do such as capture the flag or deathmatch. Online: I tried to get online but it looked as though everyone had already seen how lame this game was and there wasn't a single person online. I wouldn't think for a moment that the online play would change my mind about this game so it doesn't really matter if I made it on or not.
Sound: it's sound
Graphics: nothing special
Overall: this game pissed me off that I wasted a gamefly mailing on it. I would not recommend this game for anyone out there. Don't rent, don't buy.