Warhammer Online Rocks Finally smart and strategic PVP. Awesome Classes and just outright fun.

User Rating: 9 | Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning PC
After being disappointed by the likes of Tabula Rasa (boring) Age of Conan (Broken never out of beta) Hell Gate London (Complete bugfest) and playing WOW till I'm gray, I must say that WO is breath of fressh air. I didn't have huge expectations (thnx Hellgate) but boy was I surprised. WO is just so much fun to play. The RVR is fantastic and the Public quests are a blast. I like the fact that the game takes you to an (AV) Battlegrounds match and then brings you back to your original spot so that you can continue were you left off. The interface is excellent and grouping is as easy as in WOW. The achievements system for completing quests and discovering areas is pretty neat too. I've encountered some minor graphical bugs such as blurry textures and bugged npcs, but none are a deal breakers. The servers have been stable and there are plenty of players playing. It's unfair to compare this against WOW because WOW has been around for a long time and is established. I get a kick out of typical game haters that make comparisons without even giving the game a chance. A real gamer will enjoy each game for what it is. Now get on and Waaaaaaaghhhhhh.