WOW but with no end game grind all about PVP.

User Rating: 9.5 | Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning PC
A lot of people compare this game to wow. I played wow since it's launch but eventually quit the game because of the grind. Die hard wow fans may not like the game as it is more about pvp and less about end game dungeons. Which personally i prefer as i never had the patience for end game grinding. Enough about the wow comparisons i'm sure you're all sick fo hearing lets get reviewing.

Gameplay feels very smooth and the visual effects for spells are great. The classes are fun to play; for once a game has made several unique warrior type clases that have specific qualities and are as fun to play with as the spell casters.

Personally i dont feel the grind as i party up and quest while waiting to join a rvr senario. Once the senario is over i appear exactly where i was when i joined the battlegrounds. I can then re-join the que. I can also take part in some public quests. These are the three ways to level your character. It is so easy to switch between pve, public quest and pvp. This makes the game so enjoyable with no feeling of a grind. This game is great!!