A fun although average game thats worth a look..

User Rating: 7.5 | Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine X360
This game I was looking forward to playing through it and was not disappointed.. The game started off a little slow without much challenge, and at first thought the whole presentation was kindof stale.. But after playing through it to its completion I found it to be a very enjoyable although somewhat average third person shooter.. The game does have a gears of war feel to it with your giant armored space marine blasting through enemies, but its gameplay is quite a bit different with a mixture of hack n slash melee combat with strategic use of weapons and grenades as huge waves of enemies charge upon your squad of Ultramarines.. For most of the first part of the game you are fighting varying types of Orcish warriors as you try to get to your objectives.. The orcs have melee fighters, tank fighters, long range, artillery and sniping units all of which require you to switch through a good assortment of weaponry.. The second part of the game introduces the chaos space marines which was an awesome and refreshing change of pace.. Most of the combat with them is long range with the exception of large demons which rush you.. The whole campaign has a somewhat generic although entertaining story and the presentation of the cutscenes is very well done.. The level design isn't especially inspired with alot of generic large buildings, and trenches which aren't anything special but get the job done..The music and sound effects are good and get the job done nicely. The graphics to the game are just about average for a game of this type, the enemies and characters look good but the enviroments are pretty bland on the most part.. The game is very fun however and with about a 10 hour campaign the game is definatley worth checking out if you like the genre.. I did not get a chance to try out the multiplayer so Im basing my review off the single player..