A fresh look at the Warhammer 40k universe well worth it for any fan.

User Rating: 8.5 | Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine X360
Playing through this game feel like you really in the boots of the space marine on that table top you swore you just played with a friend. The story is good however the characters don't really seem to be flushed out as well as they should be considering how rich the franchise is in back story. The camera can sometimes be a hassle in tight quarters especially in multiplayer; when things get really crazy. Although this game is good it definitely can be better. The multiplayer is probably the most interesting aspect of the game, as it does things right and wrong. Although you have an armory to selected a variety of different weapons and tools it seems bare bones. Leveling up to get the next weapon, equipment, or perk is good the fact that there really isn't any variation in what you can use. The same gun you just unlocked is used by four others in the match, making the only available personal taste: the army painter. aside from those little things this game is well worth the time and money of any 40k fan to look into.

Rating: 8.5
Sequel?: Green light