War of the Roses. Great fun. Addictive battles that keep me coming back.

User Rating: 8.5 | War of the Roses PC
I have loads of fun with War of the Roses. The close combat battles are a blast, addictive and frantic. Great that all these strangers can gather here and somehow work together. Seeing others stopping to bandage up a fallen teammate even in situations that put them at risk is fantastic. I haven't tried being an archer much but I know they are there as I suddenly see an arrow sticking out of my head as I drop. Some have issues with the game mechanics for archers saying they have it easy. Keep moving and it is not that easy for them. I usually get hit or die from an arrow when I pause for a few seconds. C'est la guerre mon frere. Respawn is quick so get back out there for revenge. Horsemen can insta kill you just by charging into you, but you too have a chance of knocking him off his horse and then the fight begins. So many true to life scenarios can and will happen. I really like the mechanics of swing weapons. All swings are controlled by the mouse. Slide mouse left and you will swing in that direction. You develop skills using your mouse.
People cannot ruin the fun I have with War of the Roses with their negative comparisons to Chivalry. They are very different experiences. I have both games and have a blast with both. Peace.