"It's Ok but Its no Mortal Kombat"

User Rating: 7.3 | War Gods N64
I bought this game for only $5 and its okay but its no Mortal Kombat. Its not a bad fighting game.

Gameplay 7/10 - It's just basic fighting like in Mortal Kombat. You can Punch, Kick, use special moves, and for all you mk people out there, do a fatality. The fatalities are pretty cool yet gruesome. Like Cy-5's fatality where his spaceship comes out and melts his opponent into a pancake. So, basically you just fight on a ladder until you get to the boss.

Graphics 6/10- The Graphics in the game are okay but not the greatest graphics in the world. Some of the characters in the game are pretty cool like Tak , the rock man and Voodoo, a voodoo priest creature. The Fatalities are fun to do and watch. Like War Head's fatality where he nukes the hell out of his opponent, its pretty awesome.

Story 5/10- The story is alright but nothing really that great about it. The story behind War Gods goes something like this: A really, really long time ago, a spaceship carrying crazy, life-giving ore crashed into the Earth, spreading small chunks of the magic rocks across the planet's surface. Throughout time, various humans have found the rocks and instantly evolved in War Gods. Now they're fighting each other to gather all the stones in the quest to become the ultimate super-warrior.

Sound 6/10- The music is okay. But, the sound effects are pretty cool like hearing the swoosh of a sword or hearing the beeping of Cy-5 activating his Spaceship to come over his opponent and melt them to a pancake.

Controls 8/10- The controls are pretty easy to learn in like five minutes or so.
The controls are similar to Mortal Kombat Trilogy. Some of the button sequences for fatalities range from short to easy from long to hard. My suggestion just put in the code for easy fatalities.

Overall 7/10- Bottom Line is if you're a fan of Mortal Kombat, War Gods is an interesting pick and cheap too. For only $5 is pretty much worth it. So, if like fatalities and cheap priced games then this is the game for you.