An innovative game that passed way under the radar.

User Rating: 8.5 | Wanted: Weapons of Fate PC
This game is based on the movie Wanted. You will play as Wesley, an assassin. You will also play as another character, your father which was a super assassin.

The major element of this game is that you have the ability to curve bullets to kills enemies that are hidden behind any objects. You will have some tutorial to help you with this feature. It's really quick and well done. You will also be able to use some slow-mo sequences to get rid of your enemies.

The AI is not very intelligent but there are some places that you may use wisely cover because you will be killed fast enough, read here snipers.

The graphics look correct. They could certainly have been improved during the cinematics though.

One of the big downside to this game is that it is short, around 6 hours. There is no replay value. You will unlock some new characters to play as, but the story is exactly the same, nothing changes other than your clothes. You may want to look for the hidden stuff through the game, but that's it.

If you can find this game in the bargain bin, it's a go. It is really fun and innovative. Do not expect to spend several hours on it though.