A great game with some good ideas and some bad executions of those ideas

User Rating: 9 | WAKFU PC
This is a great game with some good ideas. The man problem being that many of ideas are not what MMO players are looking for but never the less I think this game is great. This is a game where monsters do not respawn and instead have to seeded by players to level off of, the guards that normally guard towns are actually players instead of near invincible bots and ever single piece of currency in the game was hand crafted by the player community. It is an ambitious game where much of world is in the players' hands.

So, it is a sandbox MMO. This is a rare gem in this day in age. It also has its own weaknesses. Classes, items and monsters are all weirdly balanced and the game has a steep learning curve. It does not hold hands, which I like but I can see where many people that need to be lead by the nose will absolutely hate this game. If you like old school MMORPGs that are more about creating an immersive world and less about doing quest after quest then this is worth checking out.