Bad graphics and crappy sound only make this unplayable game worse.

User Rating: 2 | Wacky World of Sports WII
This game sounds like a nice idea. It's basically a party game where you play bizarre sports, like extreme ironing or fish tossing. In truth, however, it's a mass of stupid controls, bad graphics, and, above all, maddening sound effects.

Before I had even PLAYED any of it, this game had me wanting to kill someone. The menus are confusing and poorly designed, but what really made it bad was that every menu option, preference change, or even any slightly meaningful button press was accompanied by the most grating, repetitive voice acting you can possibly imagine. Every time you select basically anything, a voice that sounds like crack-addled Mario with laryngitis says "Yees..." I was ready to smash my TV after about the 3rd time I heard it, and then I heard it about 10,000 times after that. It only got worse from there. The voices of the retarded characters, who look about as good as those from games 5 years older, don't fit them at all, and sound almost disembodied; for instance, the giant lumberjack character has a voice like a 5-foot-tall pretty-boy on helium. If you have less than 4 players, the minigames will be filled in to 4 by computer players, who mysteriously do much better than you do even when you do basically the exact same thing. It doesn't help that the controls are clunky and needlessly complicated, requiring several poorly-defined motions and button combos to say, jump on a pole and then jump off. Simply put, this game is not fun. Do not play it.