An annoying single player racing game with some truly awful design choices.

User Rating: 2 | Wacky Races: Crash & Dash DS
It's much easier to write a review for this poorly conceived mess than to actually play it. Not that the gameplay is complicated - you can do whatever you like, even completely screw up the racing portion, so long as you're good at blowing into a microphone. If you aren't (and I'm not, particularly) then expect to repeatedly lose regardless of what you do.

Not that the single play portion is broken, it's just not any fun. None at all. If this game had at least some multiplayer mode, at least a local multiplayer, it might have been passably amusing as a party game. But instead racer is single player only, and that mode sinly isn't pleasant to play. It looks as if the programmers put as little effort into making this game as they could manage, and still fulfill their contract.

A complete let-down. Even at $5 it would be a total rip-off.