A forogten saturn tennis game (it should stay that way)

User Rating: 5.1 | Virtual Open Tennis SAT
Remember virtual tennis on the dream cast? yeah that was good. But now allow me to interupt your good thoughts of good games and fi lit with this attempt. At first glance it seems like an arcaide game it has it's basic menues nice relaxing music. The chariters look like they are in some 60's or old department stroe catalog. You got blond guys with sweaters, some guy in a gay looknig shirt. Theres just guys here and theres only about 8 or so here. You have singels, doubels, and turnment with 1 or 2 palyers geez thats a lot of options. You can choose to play a full game or half a game just incase you get to bord of it quickly. The game imeditly slaps you in the face with some awefull genaric gutair music. WTF one second you hear some key bord elivator music then you hear some cheesey gutair music. Imagen some idiot palying gutair when your trying to paly tennis it's annoying. Whats even worse is the cammra ways over to the left of right it's just utter random. Serveing the ball is hard due to questionble graphics and bad cammra. If you can mange to move on time were the ball lands is marked with red, what ganme tells you were the ball is gonna land, i guss after they put in a bad cammra they thought "lets at least cut them some slack and tell were the ball is gona land" Ok the cammra isnt as bad as i say it is but it wil lgive you trouble. if you get a saturn be suere to aviod this.