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User Rating: 8 | Virtua Tennis: World Tour PSP
Virtua Tennis: World Tour was personally my first gaming experience for the PSP, and immediately I was blown away by the realism both of the gameplay and the graphics.
I found the trails on the World Tour itself a little tedious at times and found it frustrating that I was unable to enter into the World Championship competitions, but after I while I realised that these were both required to both slowly improve my playing skills as well as get the character up to a level where (s)he could compete with some of the World's top players.
Though the Tour itself is fun once you get into it and get entered into the higher level competitions, VT:WT really comes into its own in the multiplayer arena.
Both two player singles, and four player doubles are immensely fun on this game, and there's no other thrill like smashing a perfect ace past one of your friends; bar the perfectly place diving lob that is! In this mode, many a happy hour of thills and spills can be lost as you go into deuce after deuce in an attempt to gain that final match point.
If you want a game to play for short bursts of time then VT:WT is ideal as a match can be over in as little as three or four minutes, and as a multiplayer game it's about as fun as you'll get on the PSP; but unfortunately the repetition of the trial rounds and playing the competitions makes the actual World Tour mode a little less up to scratch!